Project by Project

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Florence Fang Community Farm: PbP SF's 2021 Beneficiary

Although Earth Month is over, it is up to us to create and be the change we wish to see for the planet. Project by Project’s 2021 campaign of “Asian Americans & The Environment” represents more than just a call to reduce, reuse, and recycle. 2021 gives us the opportunity to share the impacts of climate change, environmental justice, sustainability, preserving our roots, and much more.

With May being AAPI Heritage Month,what better way to kick it off than by announcing our 2021 Beneficiary Partner: Florence Fang Community Farm!

FFCF prides itself on multicultural diversity and fostering communal events that Black, Latino, and Asian families can engage in. PbP selected FFCF as our beneficiary partner because of their intergenerational and intercultural ability to build community while providing access to fresh organic produce and promoting healthy activities and healthy eating. We love that FFCF provides opportunities to connect across cultures, and develop education and respect for various food systems and traditions. 

FFCF was founded with the intention to explore ways that Asians could network and support the environment together. It has become San Francisco’s largest community urban farm, showcasing Asian traditional and environmental approaches serving over 100 regular farmers and participants. 

Just in the past year, FFCF has:

● Grown 7,000+ pounds of produce annually in over 30 varieties of vegetables (Western

and Asian)

● Reintroduced the native Pacific Chorus Frogs to the neighborhood to

promote habitat restoration

● Built six beehives to increase pollination and sustain the local bee population

● Continued their after-school and summer programming with FacesSF to engage

underserved youth, the majority of whom are African-American and/or low-income with

gardening and environmentalism

● Started a Black Farmers Program to promote environmental justice

● Installed compost structures and barrel system composting toilets

● Continued to develop bioswale beautification and plantings

PbP Fundraising for FFCF will be allocated to creating a plant and seed cataloging system to showcase varieties of plants, produce, and herbs as a way to raise awareness of what Asian Americans are doing in the environmental arena.

We are excited to collaborate and create meaningful change and impact in our community this year!